Sunday, March 22, 2020

Todays Complex Education Necessitates Best Assignment Help

Today’s Complex Education Necessitates Best Assignment Help Life has become complex and education has faced the same trend in its various portfolios. Though many new learning systems have entered the educational domain. Teachers follow the same assignment techniques for measuring student performance in the class. How assignments have become a chore for students today? As there are many innovative strides in the educational path, expectations and demands from teachers and parents. Demands have increased and students face them in the form of increased number of assignments, homework and tests. They are used as yardsticks for gauging their understanding of a subject. Students cannot afford to forgo their assignments. As well since they are very much utilized for grading their performances. Since assignments are essential tools for raising one’s GPA.   Students cannot ignore any particular subject and have to devote time for all the subjects. Math or Science may consume most of their time and other subjects like English and Economics are no less inferior. So, seeking Best Assignment Help for all difficult topics in the subjects is the easiest. They correct method to solve assignment struggles, complete assignments on time. They get on with their work without falling behind. Read To Know Top 13 iPad Educational Apps For Kids Further, many of the assignments like Biology topics or Social Studies projects can be lengthy and voluminous. They are expecting lots of written work from students. They also need to research a lot for this purpose. Once they contact online writers for write their assignments or help them in their assignment research. Most of their homework is done and they feel free to go ahead with their other commitments. Assignment Help online Why do you require it? Many students feel that they can skip the homework for a day and make it up the next day. A day’s negligence costs much to students in subjects like Accounting and Math. They need to concentrate on the homework tasks every day in such subjects. Again, the complex nature of today’s education does not allow students to sit with a particular homework task. With peace as their mind is haunted by too many tasks for the day. Homework help online is the right panacea in such a learning atmosphere. Quick and right solutions are the highlight of online help for homework. Thus it becomes a great savior for students in times of need. Top 5 Education Apps To Learn #Science With Ease â€" Tutor Pace (@TutorPace) January 14, 2016 How college students benefit from online tutoring? No need to say how the present educational scenario could affect college students. They have no sufficient time to concentrate on homework and assignments. Their topics are intricate and they need support for each and every difficult topic they learn. College online tutoring is the exact destination for them to breeze through their college courses and secure degrees for future benefits. Avail online tutoring help for better grades in assignments.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Bass vs Guitar The Differences, Difficulty, and How to Decide

Bass vs Guitar The Differences, Difficulty, and How to Decide Jessica Dais For aspiring musicians trying to decide between bass vs guitar, there are many factors to consider. What style of music do you want to play? What do you find most enthralling about that style? And, where do you see yourself fitting into that style? These are all key questions to answer when considering which instrument to learn. Here, well uncover the pros and cons of playing each instrument. One important thing to realize is that whichever instrument you start with, you’ll learn concepts that apply to other instruments as well. This is all part of your musical journey and will help you become a multi-faceted musician. To help you find the better fit for you, lets start by breaking down the differences between the bass player and the guitar player. Already made up your mind? Cast your vote on the best instrument to learn below! Which instrument do you prefer: bass or guitar? Bass Guitar View Results Loading ... Bass vs Guitar: How to Decide Bass Guitar The bass guitar is the foundation for all music. Without bass, there is nothing to weigh the music down and bring it all together. Oftentimes, the bass player is the most essential element in creating a successful band. They determine the “feel” of the music by laying down a pattern of notes according to their rhythmic pattern with the drums. Bass players are often understated individuals who appreciate the improvisational nature of their instrument. While other instruments have to stick with their respective written parts, the bass player has a greater ability to play what they feel is right (especially in blues and jazz progressions). For this reason, the bass player usually learns to be fluent with scales and chordal patterns so they can lay down an awesome bass line! When considering bass, you must ask yourself: is this the role I want to play? Are you the “understated foundation” of the band? If you feel like this is the right place for you, then the next thing you should do is consider the style of music you want to play. A Note About 4, 5, or 6 String Basses A bass player has a unique choice in the number of strings they want on their bass guitar. You can purchase basses with 4, 5, or even 6 strings. For the most part, the only real difference between basses with more strings is the availability of higher or lower notes on the instrument. Most 4-string basses are tuned like a guitar, that is: E-A-D-G. With 5 or 6 string basses you can choose to add lower notes, like B-E-A-D-G, or higher notes. While a 5 or 6 string bass can seem enticing, a majority of the time all you will need is 4 strings. Pros of Bass: Bass is arguably the most important instrument in a band. A song without bass just isn’t right. Bass allows you to improvise and be active in the creation of a song. You can choose between a wide variety of bass guitars including 4, 5, or 6 string basses. Tabs for bass guitar are readily available. Cons of Bass: Since the strings on a bass are bigger to provide the right tone, bass players have to work to get really strong fingers. The neck of a bass is also very long, so starting out on a full-size bass might be difficult for musicians with smaller frames. Guitar The guitar is a very flexible instrument. A talented guitarist can fulfill several roles including rhythm section, lead guitar, or a mix of both! But generally, if you like to be the center of attention, the guitar is a good fit for you. Guitarists play a defining role in the style of a band. If you listen to artists like Stevie Ray Vaughan and Kirk Hammett (from Metallica), and then compare them to Tommy Emmanuel, you’ll see just how much flexibility there is with this instrument. Guitar players are often at the forefront of the band. While the bass provides the foundation of the music, the guitar player builds upon it. By building chord progressions from bass licks and matching them with a drum beat, the guitarist can create some awesome songs! Pros of Guitar: While bass does have more freedom within a song, if there is a solo it usually goes to the lead guitar player. The strings on a guitar are smaller than on a bass, so there is less finger strength required to learn the guitar.   There are numerous styles of guitar. You can play like Tommy Emmanuel or Kirk Hammett the possibilities are endless! Tabs for music are readily available. Cons of Guitar: The guitar is just as much a rhythmic instrument as a lead instrument, so it requires you to learn more chord shapes than bass. There is never a shortage of guitar players, so getting a gig can be difficult. Musical Styles for Bass vs Guitar What style of music do you hope to learn to play? What do you listen to in the car? Do you listen to rock, country, blues, jazz, or classical? Both the guitar and bass have unique responsibilities within each genre of music. Neither guitar nor bass is any better than the other for a certain style of music; they simply perform different tasks. For example, blues music offers improvisational freedom for both the bass and guitar. The bass player gets to make unique bass lines and the guitarist gets to play solos. Where Do You Fit In? If youre still trying to decide between bass vs guitar, try taking a few introductory lessons. There are many guitar and bass teachers online and locally. Taking  beginner level classes or lessons will give you a taste of each instrument so you can make a more informed decision. Post Author: Donnie E.     Donnie teaches acoustic, electric, and bass guitar online, as well as locally in Nixa, MO. He has a Bachelor’s from Liberty University and has been teaching since 2015. Donnie enjoys rock, jazz, blues guitar, and more. Learn more about Donnie here! Need Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Equivalence Point

Equivalence Point Equivalence Point The Equivalence point is also called as the stoichiometric point. In an acid base titration it is a point at which chemically equal quantities of acids and bases are mixed. In simple words its the point where the number of moles of acid is equal to the number of moles of the base. So when the acids and bases are mixed in the right proportions they can neutralize each other. Understanding Titration: The qualitative chemical analysis titration is a laboratory method which is used to find the concentration of an unknown quantity. In this method the titrant which is the known concentration of a solution is added to the analyte the solution with an unknown concentration until the reaction is completed. The equipment used for carrying out a titration is burette, clamp, conical flask, pipette and pH indicator (this depends on the type of reactants used.) Alkalimetry and Acidimetry: An acid-base titration is when quantitative analysis is used to find the concentration of the unknown acid or base. Mentioned below are the two types of acid base titrations. The acid-base titration which is used to determine the concentration of a basic substance is called as alkalimetry. The acid-base titration which is used to determine the concentration of an acidic substance is called as Aciditmetry. Depending on the type of acid base titration the pH indicator needs to be chosen. Mentioned below are the different methods used in determining the equivalence point. Use of pH indicators in a titration: The pH indicators are used to determine the equivalence point in a titration. This implies at equivalence point there is a change in color observed. A drop of the indicator is added in the beginning of the titration at the end point observing the color change the equivalence point can be approximated. Conductance: The ions present in the solution determine the conductivity of a given solution. There is a certain amount of conductivity during the starting of the reaction. After the titration occurs and the neutralization takes place there is a change in the conductivity. Therefore, by calculating the change in the conductivity the equivalence point can be approximated. Color change: During few reactions there is a noticeable change in the color of the solution at the equivalence point. This change can be observed even without adding any indicator. Precipitation: During a chemical reaction sometimes there is a precipitation occurring at the equivalence point. Precipitate is a solid residue formed as a result the titration. Calorimeter: The isothermal titration calorimeter is a used to determine the equivalence point of a titration. This instrument detects the heat produced or consumed during a reaction and the change in the heat can be used to approximate the equivalence point. Thermometric Titrimetry: As the name suggests, thermometric indicates the thermal change of a given chemical reaction. In this method the equivalence point is estimated by observing the rate of change of the temperature (that is the rise or fall of the temperature.) Spectroscopy: This is a very interesting method to estimate the equivalence point of a reaction. In this method the equivalence point is determined by the amount of light absorbed by the reactants and the products. Amperometry: This method is used for generally the redox reactions. In this method the equivalence point is estimated according the rate of change in the current. Equivalence point Vs end point in a titration: Though the names sound similar both equivalence point and the end point are different. The equivalence point is determined by the theoretical calculations by equating the number of moles of the titrant and the analyte in a reaction. The end point is whereas determined in the laboratory by observing the color change or the instruments. The ideal situation is when the equivalence point is very close to the end point in a titration. The most commonly used pH indicators are: The table below list the type of indicator and the color it holds in the acidic side and the basic side. Indicator Acidic side Basic side Methyl violet Yellow Violet Methyl Orange Red Yellow Methyl Red Red Yellow Litmus Red Blue Phenolphthalein Colorless Pink Bromothymol Blue Colorless Blue The pH rules for the formation of different kinds of solutions: A neutral solution is formed by the reaction of a strong acid and a strong base. (pH = 7) An acidic solution is formed by the reaction of strong acid and a weak base. (pH 7) A basic solution is formed by the reaction of weak acid and a strong base. (pH 7)

The 7 Best Bass Guitar Songs to Learn

The 7 Best Bass Guitar Songs to Learn Sign up successful So to all the seasoned bass players out there, if you’re just starting to learn the bass, here are seven of the best bass guitar songs to learn with the most recognizable and hip bass lines in music history. The 7 Best Bass Guitar Songs to Learn Queen Under Pressure Difficulty level: 2 This bass line is a staple of the instrument. Its distinct rhythm and groove is instantly recognizable and it is surprisingly not difficult to play at all. Let’s not forget that there is some controversy over whether the pop artist Vanilla Ice used this line for his hit Ice Ice Baby. Red Hot Chili Peppers Give it Away Now Difficulty level: 6 This line is probably more suitable once you have a little more experience under your belt. With a line like this, the term “funk” is instantly incorporated into the music. One has to feel the funk to get down with a bass line of this caliber. Michael Jackson Billie Jean Difficulty level: 5 You can tell from the way that Michael dances in this song that he is getting his groove from this groovy bass line. Its a not-so-difficult line to play but its always moving so you have to keep the groove up. Primus American Life Difficulty level: 9 This is one of the best bass guitar songs on this list. When you hear the bass lines youll automatically think “I want to play that!” Les Claypools bass lines are more like guitar licks or melody lines. He gives the bass a distinct sound and a dominant role in any song he plays in, which also makes his bass lines on the more difficult side. Pink Floyd Money Difficulty level: 4 The bass line that comes in after a variety of clicking sounds is an unforgettable one. This popular song by Pink Floyd is a hit in anyones playlist and this bass line, with its rhythm of 7/4, is one every bassist should know how to play. Johann Pachelbel Pachelbel Canon in D Major Difficulty level: 3 This is not generally a song thought of when talking about bass lines. However, this line known as the basso continuo is in fact a legit Baroque period bass line. It is so legit that it is even featured in more familiar songs, such as Coolio’s “C U When U Get There” and Green Day’s “Basket Case.” This is a rockin’ canon and exemplifies how far back bass history really goes. Herbie Hancock Chameleon Difficulty level: 2 This funky/jazzy bass line is a standard and staple of the bass repertoire that every bass player should know. If bass lines had a holy grail, this might be it. This line is smooth, classy, and above all, groovy. Herbie made this song popular, but it was the bass line that made it immortal. It’s not difficult to play, so why not learn it? These are some of the best bass guitar songs to learn, and they all helped in making the bass the immense instrument that it is today. The songs here give any bassist some good grooves to learn that will develop his or her skills. Christopher S. teaches bass guitar and composition in Jamaica Plain, MA. He received his Bachelors from Humboldt State and is currently working toward a Master of Music degree. Learn more about Christopher S. here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by: Ethan Prater

How To Explore College Dining

How To Explore College Dining As high school seniors explore colleges this fall, one thing they should remember to investigate is the universitys dining facilities. The college dining halls will be one of the biggest differences from life at home. However, different does not always live up to its awful connotation. Dining halls are not exactly filled with retired chefs and grandmas who love you, and sometimes the food is not good. However, it is part of the college experience, and it is something you will be able to overlook. Food allergies can be an issue in the dining halls. Essentially, you will not know what is possibly in whatever they may be making; so tell the workers your allergies because they will know. That is one of the most important aspects to remember about the dining halls. Dining halls also offer many options for food. Dining halls will most likely have a fresh salad and fruit bar and a deli. Your dining hall should offer options for vegetarians. Also, dining halls will likely have hamburgesr, hot dogs, and chicken fingers for more options. However, the main course of dining halls will expand your culinary knowledge. Most of the items will cease to exist on menus at normal restaurants, and at times they may even be difficult to pronounce. However, its a chance to try new food for no additional cost. Think of your dining hall as a cheap buffet. With that many choices youre bound to like something every night. Quantity is a big positive at the dining halls. There is virtually no limit to the amount of food you can eat. Your college may have multiple dining halls with different menus every night, enhancing the options available. Some dining halls even specialize in vegetarian food, healthy food, fast food, fish, etc. A lot of schools also offer options with meal plans. Some schools allow students to use meal plans in markets to buy groceries, others offer food you can pick up, others allow students to use the meals in affiliated restaurants, etc. Most schools offer different types of meal plans in terms of how many meals a week and extra options. You should research your schools meal plans thoroughly before buying one. Beverages are one of the dining halls strong points. They will have enough juices and sodas available everyday to make your dentist squeal, or keep them all employed during the recession. And you can even grab three or four sodas at once if you want to. Also, the salad and fruit bars are well maintained at dining halls. Most dining halls offer breakfast, lunch and dinner and are open seven days a week. However, some are closed on weekends. The best part about the dining hall is not doing dishes, unless you work there. You simply eat your food, and put your tray into the kitchen; then you can return to your studies or socializing. A regular trip to the dining hall takes anywhere from 20-60 minutes, depending on how crowded it is, and how much you want to eat.

4 Communication Styles How They Impact the Workplace - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 4 Communication Styles How They Impact the Workplace - Introvert Whisperer 4 Communication Styles How They Impact the Workplace Effective communication is the key to a successful work environment. In an age where businesses continue to fail due to rising numbers of disgruntled employees, communication methods matter now more than ever. In fact, experts at Villanova University state that “About 52 percent of American workers aren’t engaged, with 18 percent of American workers being actively disengaged. Only a paltry 30 percent of American workers can say that they feel engaged, inspired, and useful at work.” Utilizing appropriate communication styles is one of the best ways to raise employee engagement, lower workplace stress, and boost overall productivity. Unfortunately, picking the right communication style for you and your employees can be a difficult task. All employees are different â€" ranging from introverted to extroverted or somewhere in between â€" and so it stands to reason that their communication preferences will differ significantly. This can be especially true in regards to introverts, who are often uncomfortable verbalizing their personal communication needs, and so their communication styles are not as well known. Without the appropriate knowledge, dealing with a communication style different from your own can be like trying to speak with an alien species. Here, we will cover four communication styles and their respective impacts on the workplace. According to a recent report by The Economist Intelligence Unit and Lucidchart that covers research by Mark Murphy, there are four different types of communication styles: Analytical, Intuitive, Personal and Functional. While there are always exceptions, an introvert’s communication style can broadly fit under the labels of either Personal or Functional or even a mix of both. Knowledge in regards to these styles not only helps introverts to communicate effectively with one another, but is also useful for introverts and extroverts to communicate with each other. The Analytical Communication Style Analytical communicators love hard data and facts, with a strong preference for clear and precise language. In general, they are put off by people who use vague language and often lose interest when conversations move away from rationality. An example Murphy gives is of being in a meeting and hearing feedback that sales are positive. In this case, an analytical communicator would instantly wonder, “What does positive mean?” and request an actual statistic or figure to indicate the positive sales. One of the major advantages of this style of communication is that it can speed things up in the workplace, due to the rather unemotional and mainly logical nature of analytical communication. On the other hand, this style of communication can unintentionally come across as cold and abrupt, allowing for certain types of people, like introverts, to be taken aback. For this type of communication, it is best to provide as much detail as possible form the very beginning. The Intuitive Communication Style Intuitive communication is a style that significantly differs from analytical communication. As opposed to details and data, intuitive communicators tend to lean towards the bigger picture. They give more importance to broad overviews and don’t like being bogged down with specifics. Rather than focusing on a linear set of instructions, intuitive communicators prefer to skip directly to the key points. Even though this style of communication does not favor nuance, it can promote creative out-of-the-box thinking. Intuitive communicators also are quick to provide answers, keeping the larger picture in mind. The Personal Communication Style The personal communicator is one who values relationships and emotional language above all else. They tend to be better listeners than talkers and see communication as a way to build a few strong relationships with people. Many introverts prefer a personal communication style, as opposed to more hard-line stances. In Susan Cain’s bestseller, “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking,” introverts are defined as those who “have a preference for a quiet, more minimally stimulating environment. Introverts tend to enjoy quiet concentration, listen more than they talk, and think before they speak, and have a more prudent and cautious approach to risk. Introverts think more, are less reckless and focus on what mattersâ€"relationships and meaningful work.” Here, we can see some overlaps with the personal style of communication. Communicators who fit within this category often value time alone to reflect to quietly reflect and organize their thoughts before speaking. Many also prefer to communicate via email, so as to present their thoughts in a more formulated manner. While these characteristics are especially valuable for B2B and B2C outreach, as well as internal communication, it’s important to ensure that those who prefer verbal communication should be adequately courteous in their digital communications. A personal style also offers increased diplomacy and can lead to true vested interests for the tasks at hand. However, this style can also quickly veer off into one-on-one conversations about more emotional matters, leaving those who prefer other communication styles quite frustrated. The Functional Communication Style Functional communicators are those who focus on and thoroughly enjoy processes. They like to think plans through step-by-step, and often want to go over every detail from start to finish so as to not miss out on any information. Some introverts also gravitate towards this communication style. For instance, in a previous article on what introverts can teach you about success, we mention that “An introvert has a tendency to stay with a goal until completion. They can begin with an idea, flesh it out, and follow it to completion with no problem.” These qualities make functional communicators well suited to be leaders and guides, as they are completely aware of every step within a given chain of process. On the other hand, functional communicators are often seen as boring and aggravating, due to their tendency to purposefully go through every single task in its entirety. Putting Your Knowledge to Work Now that you’re broadly aware of the four styles of communication, you can choose how to implement your favored types of communication within your workplace. Depending on the needs of your workplace, you could be a communication pioneer who aims for innovation in communication practices within your organization; a communication veteran, who combines experience and strives to stay ahead of the competition; or a communication coach, who changes an organization by leading employees and management to more effective communication. Regardless of your role, it is vital to pay attention to how your employees naturally communicate. Doing so will give you the necessary insight to categorize different types of communication and then streamline communication procedures so that information is effectively disseminated and absorbed. Finally, you need to give employees the tools and training they need to communicate across various styles, as no two employees are the same. Remember, it is only through creating an open and inclusive environment where employees can freely communicate that your organization will be posed for success. AUTHOR BIO: Frankie Wallace  is a writer from Boise, Idaho who contributes to a wide variety of blogs online. Wallace is a graduate from the University of Montana and enjoys writing about career development and job searching. Source: Pixabay Go to top Bottom-line â€" I want to help you accelerate your career â€" to achieve what you want by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my 4 Building Blocks to Relationships eBookâ€" the backbone to your Networking success and fantastic work relationships.  Grab yours by visiting here right now! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

How to Get Ready for Test Day Checklist

How to Get Ready for Test Day Checklist Students often ask what they should bring with them to the testing center on SAT or ACT test day.   With tests coming up in November and December, it’s worth a reminder.You can find a complete list on the College Board’s website, but I’ll summarize it here.    You should bring:Admission ticket â€" print this out the night before. You need this to get into the test!Photo ID â€" your driver’s license or school ID works. You also need this to get into the test. Your receipt from Taco Bell does not count as an ID (this actually happened at my student’s test center, and the person in question didn’t get in).Calculator â€" either graphing or scientific calculators are allowed, but no calculators with full keyboards. Make sure you replace the batteries a few days before the test! You can find a more specific breakdown of calculator policies for the SAT here and ACT here.Number 2 pencils â€" no mechanical pencils allowed. Bring several of them so you have backups.Extra eraser †" to make it easier to erase cleanly on the scantron.Watch â€" this should be an old-fashioned wrist watch that doesn’t beep. Helpful to keep track of the time you have left on each section.WaterHigh-energy snacks for the break â€" think granola bars, bananas. Anything that will keep you going for four hours!Driving directions to the testing center, or a GPS â€" if you’re from Palo Alto but you’re taking the SAT at Bellarmine, you might not know how to get there. Be prepared!It’s also important to know what NOT to bring to the SAT and ACT:Your phone, iPod, any other electronic gadgets â€" you won’t be allowed to use them if you have time left over on a section, and you don’t want to risk them getting confiscated if you forget to turn off the sound. Leave them in the car!Highlighters and pens â€" you can only use pencils.Notes of any kind â€" this should be obvious!Scratch paper â€" the proctor will provide this for you.Good luck from AJ Tutoring! If you need some last mi nute support to refresh a certain algebra II concept or dial in timing for the reading section, give us a call!

This or That Video and Exercise

This or That Video and Exercise The words this and that are often confusing for people learning English, because they seem very similar. Both are demonstratives, but there are important distinctions between them. Learning when to use the correct one will make your English much easier to understand.Watch the video below to learn more about the differences between this and that, then try the exercises below. Choose the correct word in the dialogue below.1. Bill: Hello Jim, have you seen (this/that)?2. Jim: What is (this/that) in your hand?3. Bill: (This/that) is a pequi fruit.4. Jim: Where did you get (this/that)?5. Bill: (This/that) fruit comes from Brazil.Choose the correct word in the sentences below.1. My daughter was born in 2011. (This/that) was a great year.2. I hurt my knee in February, and fell off my bike in April. (This/that) hasnt been a good year.3. (This/That) month, I will start running again. Sheik Very usefull Fernando 1. Bill: “Hello Jim, have you seen this? (this/that)? 2. Jim: “What is th at (this/that) in your hand? 3. Bill: “(This/that) This is a pequi fruit.” 4. Jim: “Where did you get that? (this/that)? 5. Bill: “(This/that) This fruit comes from Brazil.”Choose the correct word in the sentences below.1. My daughter was born in 2011. (This/that) That was a great year. 2. I hurt my knee in February, and fell off my bike in April. (This/that) This hasn’t been a good year. 3. (This/That) This month, I will start running again